Botanicals: A Botanical Art Worldwide Exhibition 2025
Generator Gallery, Belconnen Arts Centre
28 March – 18 May 2025
The second Botanical Art Worldwide Project will focus on and celebrate biodiversity in the crops that have been closely associated with the human species over thousands of years. The theme is designed to draw attention to the vast variety of food and useful plants available, in contrast with the relatively few varieties currently used in mass cultivation. Plants eligible for inclusion are those cultivated for food, textiles, building, energy, and medicine. More information can be found here.
A Charm of Native Bees
An exhibition of Australian native bees rendered in watercolour by Cheryl Hodges
This exhibition is now finished, but if you are interested in viewing the images which were in the exhibition, there are some photos here: EXHIBITION
Whilst painting native bees for her exhibition Cheryl would listen to podcasts and find websites with useful information. She has made a list for others interested in native bees - click on the link here: information native bees
Gift Shops
Rhapsody Design - Shop 570 - Dirty Janes Canberra
80 Collie Street, Fyshwick ACT (behind Domayne) Ph: (02) 6169 4945
Cool Country Natives
5A Beltana Road, Pialligo ACT Ph: 02 6257 6666
V & M - Vetro e Metallo
68B Wallace Street, Braidwood NSW
The Botanical Bookshop
Australian National Botanic Gardens, Clunies Ross Street, Canberra Ph: (02) 6257 3302
Australian Choice
Canberra Centre, Canberra City Ph: (02) 6257 5315
Lygon St Nursery
Lygon Street, Brunswick VIC